Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for being such a forgiving father. We just had Christmas and I was looking at my year and realized that I messed up a lot. Thank you for being with me this whole year and reminding me when I did mess up that I need to come to you and talk to you.

Last week was crazy with Christmas and traveling. Now, we have New Year’s eve. All you hear lately is “what is your new year’s resolutions?” I started to think about what I would like to change for next year and all the things I need to accomplish. I think you put this in my head, why focus on the negative when I can focus on the positive. I am going to make a list of all the positive things that happened this last year. I know it is okay to have new goals and want to change things in your life but I want to change the way I live my life through you God.

Jesus, my goal for 2025 is to be more honest about our relationship and to give you all the glory. I want to spend more intentional time with you and grow our relationship. In my Bible study, we have been talking about getting to know you and learning how to hear your voice. I pray that you help me set aside time to spend time with you more.

I know this next year will be a wonderful year. I will grow more as a person, grow our relationship, grow my friendships, and learn about some amazing things. I pray that you guide me through this next year and remind me more that you are right here with me. I want to look more on the positive side of things and see your will be done. I love you!

Love, Your Daughter


Dear Jesus


Dear Jesus