Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus,

It’s Christmas week!! I love Christmas! It’s Jesus’ birthday! I am so thankful for this week. One, I get to celebrate Jesus but I also get to spend a week with my family. I decieded to take off majority of the week to travel to see my parents. Jesus, thank you for making Christmas so beautiful this year. I know that it’s your birthday but I get so wrapped up in decorations and the gift giving that I forget to put you first. I was talking to mom and we talked about keeping the gifts small this year because the gifts don’t matter. You are the reason for celebrating and remembering. Thank you for letting me have that converstatoin with mom.

Uncle Bobby came down for Christmas. I really enjoy when he comes to visit. I wish he would do it more often. We went to the Christmas eve service and it was beautiful. Then we had to make a stop at our new tradition house, the Griswold House. They really out do themselves every year. I think it’s so wonderful that they have the passion and hearts to put it all together. Jesus, I would like to pray for the family who puts together the Griswold house. I pray that they know you.

Christmas day was beautiful (except, there was no snow…not cool). It was nice to wake up and spend time with our family. We had wonderful cinnamon rolls and had some good gifts. I normally have to go back home after that to get ready for work the next day. It was nice to be able to not worry and to be with family. Jesus, thank you for my family. Sometimes, we may not all get along but in the end, we love each other and family is really good.

Jesus, I love you. Thank you for being born and doing all the great things. Thank you for being with me and supporting me in all that I do. I need to work on remembering during the tough times that you are there. I pray that you help remind me that you are. I pray for all those who are traveling and I pray that you be with each one of us.

Love, your daughter


Dear Jesus


Dear Jesus