Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus,

January was a good start to the new year! It was a very busy month but it was good! It is now February and I still haven’t quite hit my goals that I would like to have accomplished. I have learned so far that I need to start one thing at a time and then slowly add more. I have been starting to wake up earlier and allowing myself to have a slow good start to my mornings. The goal is to start having my Jesus quiet time in the mornings.

Jesus, thank you for being with me. You know that I have been going through some stuff and I have been trying to stay positive through it all. I want to fully commit to your plan and follow you where you care taking me. Before this year, I was always one foot in and one foot out. Now I am both feet out waiting for your direction.

I do struggle with not being able to fully hear your voice. I wish you could just text me or send me a letter to reassure me that you have a plan for me and that I just need to be patient. There are a lot of doors being closed and I trust that you have me but sometimes it does get overwhelming. I pray that you help me stay strong in your plan. Help me find peace that you are keeping me safe and guiding me through. Help me see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Jesus, thank you again for not just leaving me and letting me fight my battles along. I am so thankful that you are my Jesus and that you are amazing. I pray that this next month is a month of growing. I love you!

Love, Your Daughter


Dear Jesus


Dear Jesus