Dear Jesus
Dear Jesus,
This week has been a fun and exciting! At work this week, I presented orientation to our new hires. I love when I get to do that, its fun to get to know new people and get to share who we are as a company. I never knew how much I would love to present polices and procedures. We also had a “winter storm” this week. We haven’t had snow this bad since like 10 years ago. Tuesday, it was snowing all day and was extremely windy. It was not fun to travel back home from work in that weather. On Wednesday, our agency closed and we had a snow day. It was sunny, still extremely cold, but it was beautiful outside. The snow was sparkling and it was so quiet.
Something I learned this week, is that there can be this ugly weather, not safe to be in but then there is calm and beauty afterward. It almost feels like my life currently. It was really neat to see the chaos and then the calm. My life is in a little chaos but I know there will be calm afterwards because of Jesus.
During my day off because of the snow, I was able to clean the house and do laundry. I work this weekend, so it was nice to be able to not worry about it afterward work on Saturday and Sunday. I have a wedding this weekend! My friend from work is getting married!! I am so excited for her. Jesus, I pray that you surround them during the wedding. I also pray that you are in the center of their marriage. I have never been married but I have heard that marriage is hard and I could not imagine what marriage would look like with out you in the center of it.
Thank you for letting this week be a great week. A few weeks ago, I was having a hard time but each week has been getting better. Thank you for letting me see more of the positive. Thank you for walking with me each step I take this week. I love you so much! I would not be here without you.
Love, Your Daughter