Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope you’re eating lots of food and relaxing! Holidays are very special to me and my family, we are a big tradition kind of family. For as long as I can remember, we always go to see my grandparents in Branson for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving morning, we watch the Macy’s parade and eat some of grandma’s desserts. Then grandpa will go and get food for lunch. I don’t remember where but we go to a local restaurant and order food from them. (We used to cook, but it became easier on my grandparents to support others and get food). Once we eat, we all usually take a nap while grandma has a hallmark movie on or a football game. Then we get up and we go to Silver Dollar City for the evening and enjoy all the Christmas lights.

Something you should know about my family, Silver Dollar City is very important to my family. My parents used to work there—that’s where my dad proposed to my mom—and my grandpa works out there, too. We don’t really ride the rides, we rather go to enjoy the environment and the people. If you have not went, you should go during the Christmas time. Every inch of the park is covered in Christmas lights and its so beautiful. I can’t put into words on how amazing it is.

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday.

I know we have already heard and seen a lot about “what are you thankful for.” We go through this season almost like it’s just another year (I at least feel that way). I have been doing some research on being grateful and I have found some interesting insights.

I read an article from Harvard Health Publishing on “Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier”. It talks about how being grateful can impact your daily living. I know we all have experienced at one point in our lives that when you’ve done something nice for someone, or you expressed your thanks to someone, and you left feeling a different way. In the article from Harvard Health Publishing, it described an experiment where a psychologist had a group of people write down what they were thankful for daily. The article stated the group left happier and felt better about their lives.

Being grateful can impact your mental and physical health. I know that we talk about being thankful a lot in the month of November so I challenge you to continue through December. I, personally, struggle in remembering what I have in life. I am going to encourage you—and myself—to try different ways you can express being thankful. Have you wrote a handwritten card lately? Have you prayed for someone today? Have you reached out to that person that has been on your mind? Have you looked in the mirror and said thank you to yourself? Have you hugged your partner or kids?

We don’t have to have a “Be Thankful” month, to show gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Have safe travels, good food, and great naps!

Created for a purpose.


The J.E.S.U.S Challenge -Results


The J.E.S.U.S. Challenge - Follow Up