The J.E.S.U.S Challenge -Results


I am a few days behind on writing this. The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas has been so crazy, but I wanted to write to you all about how the rest of the challenge and how it went. For those who do not know, I would go back and read my post on “The J.E.S.U.S. Challenge”. This challenge changed the way that I study my Bible now.

I found that I was not as consistent as I wanted to be. It was hard to be disciplined to make time during my weekdays to do it. I found that my weekends were so much easier to make time to do it. During the weekdays, I have so much scheduled that I kind of forget about it or tell myself I will do it later that day. Then, I never got to it. If I could go back, I would have set an alarm on my phone to remind myself to do it. I realized too, that I make alot of excuses to not sit down and spend time with God and that my life is filled with unnecessary things. It was very eye opening.

During the time that I spent with God, it made me feel at peace. It also made me feel good and excited that I completed that “task”. For those who don’t know me, I am a task, check off a list, type of girl. I really like checking things off that I do. I noticed that on my list to complete for the day, “Jesus time” kept getting pushed down. Looking back, I should have started my day with doing the challenge. I am going to continue this challenge but instead of calling it a challenge, I am going to implement this process into my “Jesus time”. I am going to make it a more normal process in my reading. My new goal is to start my day spending time with God and continuing this new process.

When I was spending time with God, I noticed a surrounding feeling of being safe. Some of you know, that my house got broken into when I first moved out on my own. I struggle with feeling safe in my house. By now, I feel like I should be over it but some days, the unsafe feeling comes back. When I spend time with God, I noticed that the feeling of being safe was there. I was less anxious and honestly happier. I don’t know why I don’t spend more time with God knowing this. This is my goal as well is to talk with God more in the evening to give me that sense of being safe.

I hope you all enjoyed this challenge with me. As you can see, we do not have to be perfect at completing challenges. I believe that we are not perfect and we are going to mess up or not be consistent. I believe that we should all be actively pursing God and building the relationship with Him. I obviously need to work more towards this. That is the whole purpose of this Blog is to share real life, honest moments with you all. You see a lot of people on social media now that looks like they have it all together when in reality, they are not perfect either. It took myself a while to realize that. I was trying to match their “perfect Jesus life” when nothing is perfect except God Himself.

If you would like to share your experience and journey through this challenge, you can email me at or use my “Contact Me” page to do so. I would love to hear about it! Also, if you have prayer requests, you can also share those with me. I would love to pray for you and your situations. All your stories and prayer requests are kept private. I respect your right to your privacy and would never share unless you want me to. I hope you all are having a wonderful December!

Created for a purpose.


Happy Thanksgiving!