Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for being awesome! You truly amaze me each and every day. Thank you for being with me through all the ups and downs in my life. Sometimes I don’t say it or think it enough, I could not be here without you. You somehow, in this crazy world, make things make sense when I turn to you.

Jesus, I have this idea. I am not sure how this idea is going to play out but that is not for me to worry about but for you to take control over. I want to write letters to you and talk to you like I do on a daily basis. It has come to my attention that some people may be intimated by prayer or just talking to you. I would like to share the way that we communicate. The idea is for there to be my regular blogs where I can dive into your Word or talk about my life. Then, have a “Dear Jesus/God” section where I can be more true and open. Maybe not share every detailed in my life—unless You call me to do so—but to be able to express myself more freely without feeling “the blog pressure”. I would like to do this weekly but we both know that I get in this funk and I forget to write. :) I want to share about my week and my frustrations, happiness, joys, and adventures, sadness, and everything in between. I want it to be how we communicate but in a written format.

So, here I go! It’s Thanksgiving week! I get to see grandma and grandpa! I get to be away from home and get some fresh air away from Indy. Which, I would like to pray for Grandma and Grandpa. I want them to feel healthy and young! This work week has been good! Nothing to complain about too much. I need to really work on going with the flow more. Could you help me with that, please? I have decided to give myself some more work to do for Christmas. I am going to be making some crochet gifts this year! I am so excited to do so! Crocheting is so relaxing! By the way, thank you for giving me patience and talent to learn how to do this. Crocheting has been a great hobby to have. Thank you for letting me have a great week and I love you! Thank you for creating me for a purpose.

Love, Your Daughter


Dear Jesus